28 February 2009

That was the month that was: February

Disbelief at the devastation caused on one day by the Victorian bushfires. Feeling thankful about what we have. Kids back to school, slowly and sometimes painfully getting back into the routine. Wishing it was autumn. The Oscars. Making changes to the house. Planning our tactics on how to stage a fight against inappropriate development at VCAT. Working a lot. Blogging inspiration set to low.

Television series of the month: Cranford. This beautifully crafted adaptation of three of Elizabeth Gaskell's short novels had me crying in every episode (I watched it on DVD rather than waiting for it to screen on Aunty each week). I sobbed several times in the last episode. The acting is breathtaking, the stories touching and very funny. It's about feeling that you belong, loyalty, gossip, kindness and cruelty, and, most of all, female friendship at its very best.


Kath Lockett said...

Ah yes February. I'll add:
* smoke haze
* food poisoning
* scary credit card bills
* viola practice
* avoiding Big M iced coffees; and
* farting on the trams!

Beth said...

... and agreement on Cranford - very successful adaptation of Mrs Gaskell!