It's here at last - Melbourne's 2007 winter!
It's cold and bright, punctuated with bursts of rain. Feet get cold when you've forgotten to wear socks, and it's getting very dark by 6pm. It makes me want to get cosy at night, make hearty food, and watch my favourite DVDs under the security of the doona by 9pm. And I'm wearing bedsocks again. Simple pleasures, and my very favourite time of the year.
Of course, there are other people who complain bitterly once the mercury falls below 20 degrees. It's called winter people - embrace it! As long as you don't dress like one of those strange young girls who wear thongs and kidney-freezing crop tops with a big woolly scarf, you'll be able to cope. That's why God invented the boot. And long-line jumpers.
I do live with children who insist on wearing shorts year round, or won't take their school jumper out of their bag; however, at this stage in the parenting game, I've given up on trying to make them do such outlandish things like dressing for the weather.
Must log off now while I go and roast some potatoes.
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